Kajabi SEO Consultant

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Kajabi SEO Consultant

Having an online business can be extremely competitive and its more important than ever to have a well optimised website.

I am a freelance SEO consultant for website owners who’s sites are built in Kajabi.

I have work on many Kajabi sites and know the platform inside out. If you’re looking to unlock your Kajabi site’s potential and increase your businesses visibility book a discovery call with me.

What is Kajabi?

Kajabi is an all-in-one platform that enables users to create a website with a comprehensive suite of tools included.

Its not just a website builder. Kajabi also allows business owners to manage their email market and process payments ‘all under one roof’ as Kajabi say themselves.

Kajabi is simplifies the process of running an online business.

Is Kajabi Good for SEO?

Kajabi CAN be good for SEO.

Kajabi offers built-in SEO features that can help with your search rankings. However, even with these features Kajabi isn’t quite as flexible or powerful as other platforms like WordPress when it comes to advanced SEO.

Although, with the help of someone knowledgeable in SEO and an understanding of Kajabi, your Kajabi site can compete with any site in the search engine results pages (SERPs)

SEO Capabilities and Limitations in Kajabi


  1. User-Friendly Interface: Kajabi makes it easy to add SEO elements to pages and with a HTML edit feature you can manually change HTML tags if you know basic HTML
  2. Mobile Optimisation: Kajabi elements are responsive. This ensures that your site looks and performs as expected for users visiting it from a mobile. This is crucial for SEO and user experience.
  3. Built-In Analytics: Kajabi’s analytics tools help you monitor your site’s performance.


  1. Limited Customisation: Compared to other platforms, Kajabi offers less flexibility. It seems as though Kajabi decided to trade in some features in favour of ease of use.
  2. No Access to Plugins: Kajabi doesn’t support SEO plugins, which is part of their USP. It is an all-in-one platform. But this can be a negative because it can limit your website functionality.
  3. Technical SEO Constraints: There are fewer options for technical SEO adjustments in Kajabi than with other platforms.

How Can A Kajabi SEO Consultant Help You?

A Kajabi SEO consultant can provide guidance to maximise your site’s SEO potential.

Here is how i can help improve your Kajabi sites visibility:

  1. Site Audit: An audit of your Kajabi site to identify potential issues and areas for improvement.
  2. Keyword Research: Perform detailed keyword research and competitor analysis to understand the intent of your users and then fulfil that intent by implementing changes to your site.
  3. Content Optimisation: Optimise existing content and create new content that fills gaps that your competitors have that you don’t
  4. Technical SEO: Fix technical SEO issues that google views negatively.
  5. Ongoing Support: Provide continuous SEO adjustments and monitoring to ensure your site maintains its SEO performance over time.
  6. Training: Educate you and your team about SEO best practices. My goal is knowledge transfer to give you the tools you need to maintain and improve your site’s SEO without me.

Kajabi SEO FAQs

Why is SEO important for my Kajabi site?

Good SEO is crucial for your Kajabi site because it can increase your sites visability helping potential customers find your courses, products, and content.
Having good SEO can lead to increased traffic, engagement, and sales.

How does Kajabi’s SEO compare to other platforms like WordPress or Squarespace?

Kajabi offers basic SEO features that are sufficient for must use cases.
However, it isn’t as flexible than platforms like WordPress, which has extensive customisation options and advanced functionality.
Squarespace offers similar features to Kajabi but again, not the level of flexibility offered by WordPress.

Can I optimise my Kajabi site for local SEO?

Yes, you can optimise your Kajabi site for local SEO.